Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How you can get involved in Haiti

When you donate this year, you will make it possible for a student to finish this year of school.

No school is free in Haiti and every year half, if not more, of each class does not finish for lack of tuition. Our project director in Haiti visits each school and each family, reporting on progress and recommending students into the program. This year we've had a number of US sponsors unable to make payment and so students are at risk of not finishing the school year.

The best way to get involved is to choose to sponsor one student and follow him or her through school for about a dollar a day, though school tuitions can vary.

You can make all the difference in a place where life is hard and consistent help is rare.

Moun Pou Moun Supporters have made modest to very large donations (one time, multiple times, and monthly!), sponsored students, hosted parties, donated supplies, provided encouragement, invited us to speak at their schools and groups, and who knows what they’ll do next! Will you get involved too?

Tax-deductible checks make before Jan 1, 2010 can be made to:
“CTSA” memo “Haiti”*
Mail to: 4245 Humphrey St. Louis, MO 63116

Remember - No gift is too small (or too large!)

Person to Person...Person by Person... Moun Pou Moun.

* CTSA is the “Center for Theology & Social Analysis” in St. Louis, MO that has generously taken our work under their wing. After January 1st we will be pursing our own not-for-profit status! Stay tuned!

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